The first of reciters I saw eternal light Best of vocal fighters Beyond human sight Where thorns are a teaser I’ve played a double jeux Yherushalaim at easter I cry I pray mon dieu I cry I pray mon dieu
I’ve seen the deepest darkness And wrestled with gods Ride the noble harness Raining cats and dogs I stand before my maker Like moses on the hill My guinness record baker I abide your will
I’m crucified
Crucified like my savior
Saintlike behavior
A lifetime I prayed
I’m crucified
For the holy dimension
Godlike ascension
Heavens away
(La Rochefoucauld, Maximes, n.124)
The first of reciters
I saw eternal light
Best of vocal fighters
Beyond human sight
Where thorns are a teaser
I’ve played a double jeux
Yherushalaim at easter
I cry I pray mon dieu
I cry I pray mon dieu
(Madame de Sévigné, carta 89.)
I’ve seen the deepest darkness
And wrestled with gods
Ride the noble harness
Raining cats and dogs
I stand before my maker
Like moses on the hill
My guinness record baker
I abide your will
(la Rochefoucauld, Maximes, n. 432)
oh, it's us! we're back! we're back!
it's not la roche-I-don't-know-what! it's not mme-sum'thing! it's the army of lovers! buy our records! go to our shows! watch our videos! please!
ah! we're back! we're back!
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